January 23, 2018

The Future of The MultiGP SPEC Class

As we begin 2018 MultiGP looks forward to continuing to work on a SPEC racing class for drones. Building on the traction from 2017, MultiGP is planning on making some important changes to the SPEC Class later this year.

MultiGP SPEC Class: January 2018-August 2018

To keep the interest that has grown in the SPEC class since its inception, MultiGP has decided to extend its contracts (originally set to expire at the beginning of 2018) with our vendors until August 2018. To further the interest in the SPEC Class we will be taking an existing UTT track (UTT #6) and adding a SPEC UTT Leaderboard. Local MultiGP chapter organizers will be encouraged to set up SPEC UTT events for their pilots to be able to submit times to this new SPEC UTT Leaderboard. Pilots who submit times to the SPEC UTT Leaderboard will also be eligible for discounted entry into the MultiGP IO SPEC Race, taking place during the International Open, August 8-14.

Your Spec Racer Could Be Your Ticket to the Championship

The MultiGP SPEC Race at the International Open will have a $5000 prize purse available for the SPEC pilots who are fast enough to make the podium. In addition to winning the prize purse at the IO SPEC Race, the winner will receive a Wildcard invite to the 2018 MultiGP Championship being held later this year.

Staying In Tune With The Desires and Needs of the Sport

All sports mature, and drone racing is no different. As we mature we see that certain decisions on the direction of the sport need to be revisited. This allows us to make sure that the trajectory is true and in line with our pilots and our shared desire to grow the sport. This is why we have listened very closely to the community’s thoughts and opinions on the current SPEC class. Many of us here in MultiGP agree with you, and in response, we have been working for the last several months on the best path forward. The result will be the evolution of the MultiGP SPEC Class, a race class truly based on specifications, decided by members of the racing community.

MultiGP SPEC Class 2.0

Moving forward we want to make sure that SPEC is exactly what the name implies – a race class that is based on agreed upon specifications. The concept for the SPEC Class is simple:

Growing the Sport is The Goal

Our hope and intentions are to create a true SPEC Class where pilot skill can be measured. Great motorsports like NASCAR and Indy Car Racing have specifications that highlight pilot skill over mechanical superiority. Drone racing should be no different. Based on several conversations that we have witnessed throughout social media over the last few weeks, we have noticed an undercurrent of support for SPEC Class style restrictions to even the playing field among competing hardware.  We have also seen certain respected members of the racing community talk about SPEC, “….what makes the best racing? I think SPEC makes the best racing…” (Brian “BrainDrain” Morris – ). SPEC Class racing is an important part of growing the sport.

Your Support and Input is Always Needed

This process is a group effort that requires your input and your support. In the coming months, we will be assembling the SPEC Selection Committee but they will need your thought on the specifications you would like to see in the MultiGP SPEC. We will be planning SPEC races to be held at events as well to increase the participation in the SPEC Class. By working together we will be able to create a SPEC Class that more exciting and thrilling, for pilot and spectator alike!

For vendors currently involved in the SPEC Program, please contact [email protected] for special offers for existing SPEC partners

For vendors interested in becoming a part of the upcoming SPEC 2.0 Class, please contact [email protected]



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