August 26, 2020

2020 MultiGP Global Qualifier Deadline Extension

Due to varying coronavirus restrictions in place in different cities and states, there have been a number of MultiGP Chapters that have not been able to host a 2020 Global Qualifier. With the September 7 deadline fast approaching, there have been a number of requests for an extension.

Championships are still proceeding for Sport Class October 29-November 1, and the Pro Division Final at the 2020 MultiGP Championship 5-8 in Daytona, Florida, and the ramifications of moving the deadline may affect competing pilots’ planning by presenting uncertainty for some ranking positions.

While we understand the sacrifice many chapters made to meet the requirements to host a GQ in 2020 and ultimately their Global Qualifier(s), we too recognize that in certain areas and regions that there simply wasn’t a Global Qualifier resulting in limited if any chance for pilots to be ranked and qualified for Champs or Sport Class Champs.

Therefore, MultiGP has decided to allow “Last Chance Global Qualifiers” with the following criteria:

Applying for an extension or exemption does not mean an automatic approval; each request will be handled on a case -by-case basis, and is subject to approval by a panel comprised of MultiGP Corporate directors and officers.

For pilots ranked according to the original season deadline, their position will be locked in, however, after the extension deadline, there will be a buffer allowance. For example, a pilot in 195th on the list after September 7th is qualified for Pro Class. Should they be bumped to 205th after the extension period, they will have the choice of attending either Pro or Sport Class Weekend. Positions 201-300 after September 7th will have a guaranteed invite to the Sport Class Championship regardless of their position after the extension date expires. All new positions ranked during the extension period will lock-in, ie 198th will be 198th with no buffer.

As pre-extension Global Rankings are locked in on September 7th, we will begin to confirm Pilot Tickets beginning September 8th.

It has been a remarkable year, and we look forward to once again ranking as many pilots as possible on the Global Leaderboard, and filling the grid at the Sport Class Championship and MultiGP Championship.

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